Level 3 Granite is the most premium category of Granite available. Many companies go up to Level 4, 5, 6, 7 or even Level 8. As per the quality found in India, we keep the Granite in 3 Categories only. These types of granite are expensive and the availability is little less than the other 2 categories. This type of Granite are exotic, exclusive and premium. The pattern of these granites is vivid including waves, lines, solid, shiny and cloudy. These granites are used for making kitchen countertops and interior wall cladding mostly.
Here are the pros and cons of Level 3 Granite
- Premium Pattern
- Exotic Touch
- Beautiful Colors
- Light colors are bright
- Dark colors are too dark
- Heat resistant
- Weather Proof
- Pinhole proof
- Available with fiber or netting on the backside.
- Durability Issue in some Granite
- Requires maintenance
- Backside Fiber / Netting
- Extra care in handling
This type of granite are available in the following sizes :
- Gangsaw Size Jumbo Slabs
- Small cutter slabs
- Tiles in various sizes
- Steps and Risers
Following are the finishings available :
- Polished
- Honed
- Flamed
- Leather
- Lapatro
- Bush Hammered
- Sandblasted
- Shotblasted
Level 3 Granite is an exclusive range of premium granites. You can use these granites in making high-end kitchen countertops and interior wall cladding. Some of the Granite are also used for exterior walls. Most of the high-end apartments, houses, offices use premium quality Granite for their requirements. The look and feel of these granites are very much different than other granites.
We take extra care for preparing these granites. We take utmost care in handling, polishing and cutting of these granites. These granites are cut and polished on Italian machinery. The proper resin work makes the surface of the material extra smooth, shiny and zero pinholes. Level 3 Granite are recommended for personal uses and high-end apartments, offices.

Types and Colors of Level 1 Granite
The following are the types of colors and patterns available with us :