New Imperial Granite vs Red Multicolor Granite
New Imperial Granite vs Red multicolor granite is one of most discussed topic. Both materials are buyers favorite choice for Kitchen countertops, flooring and tombstones. These beautiful granite comes in big, small and tile sizes. There are many uses of these granite such as flooring, wall cladding, monuments, tombstones etc. You can also use these granite in making modern kitchen countertops. Despite many similarity there are many difference in both granite and have advantages and disadvantages as well. Here is the comparison of both the materials.
New Imperial Red Granite

Quarries of this stone are in North India. It is one of the finest stones that you can ever get. New Imperial Red is very popular and widely known as Chhatarpur Red Granite. It comes with a dark red base and specks of gray, black, and light red hues.
This granite is a popular choice around the globe as red is deemed to be the color of success. It is the best for kitchen countertops as it gives a classy look and is also sturdy.
It is distinctive as it has drawn-out pearls or flowers of Red on a pink surface which are scattered throughout the tile or slab. Some important attributes of the Red Imperial Granite are given below:
- Best Granite for Bathroom and Kitchen.
- Outstanding material for kitchen countertops where most of the cutting, slashing, chopping, and cooking takes place.
- Water-resistant and can be cleaned easily.
Red Multicolor Granite
The Red Multicolor Granite is a combination of red and black color. It has a base of red color with veins of black and displays a cloudy structure. It is also known as Indian Red Granite, Indian Multi Red. This is also a popular granite that is mined from the quarries in India. It looks great with the black vein composition and catches the eye of the person who is looking at it.
Red multicolor granite is very famous and most recommended as it has many uses. You can use this granite for both residential and commercial structures. Also fabricators us this granite to make statues and memorials. You can use both granite for exterior and interior applications.
Some important attributes:
- Heat and Frost Resistant
- Scratch-proof, Durable, and ultra-fine hardness.
- Suitable for Wall Claddings, Exteriors, and Floorings.
You can make tiles, slabs and kitchen countertops from both the granite. The kitchen and indoor uses makes these red colored granite as a preferred choice for modern kitchen. Bothe material comes under Level 2 type granite and recommended for indoor uses and use in large projects.
You can also create high quality tombs, gravestone and headstone from these granite. Fabricators use both material extensively in making tombs.
Flodeal is the leading manufacturer and supplier of these granites and also many other forms of granites and marbles.

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