Granite Tile 12×12

Granite tile 12×12 inches or 305×305 mm size is one of the most popular sizes in cut size granite. These tiles are available 10 cm thickness. We also cut 12 mm and 15 mm thick granite tiles in the size of 12×12 inches.

Advantage of Granite Tile 12×12

  • Cost Saver: The tiles in such small sizes are cut from very small blocks which are low prices, so the overall cost for making the tiles comes down.
  • Easy to handle: Tiles of 12×12 inches size is easy to handle in comparison to big slabs or big tiles. These tiles have less breakage percentage in comparison to bigger size tiles.
  • Calibrated: These tiles are calibrated on automatic machines for almost zero thickness tolerance. Which is easy to use as wall tiles and countertop tiles.

The disadvantages

  • Problem with Pattern: If you are using these tiles in cloudy, wavy or Cross vein patterns, it will look not so beautiful. The granite with the plain or flowery pattern has more success rate in small size tiles.
  • Problem with Big Project: If you are using tile for the big project it is not advised to use small tile. These tiles are difficult to fix in big sizes.

We cut our tiles inches with automatic cutting machines for accuracy. These tiles fix with each other quite well due to accuracy. Since tiles are cut on the double-disc automatic machine, the tolerance in square and size is zero. You can fix these tiles without any problem.

We have the following granite available in 12×12 tile size: